• Service Times and Directions
  • Give
  • Location

    Church at Rock Creek

    11500 West 36th Street
    Little Rock, AR 72211

    Service Times

    • Sundays | 9:00am | Rock Creek Live

    • Sundays | 9:00 am | On Campus Service

    • Sundays | 10:45am | On Campus Service

Since June of 1997 the Cars Ministry has served Rock Creek members. People are given the opportunity to donate their used cars to the church.  Then the church gives that car to someone who is unable to afford transportation to work, school, etc.


Contact Paul Truett for details about becoming a recipient.



Our Cars Ministry Center will be utilized as the place where members volunteer to work on the cars, provide community outreach projects, and as a training facility for anyone looking to learn more about vehicles.

If you are mechanically inclined and would like to volunteer for this ministry, we would love to have you!


Contact Sean McKean for more information about volunteering,


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