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    Church at Rock Creek

    11500 West 36th Street
    Little Rock, AR 72211

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    • Sundays | 9:00am | Rock Creek Live

    • Sundays | 9:00 am | On Campus Service

    • Sundays | 10:45am | On Campus Service

Rock Creek Parenting ConferenceApril 22, 2023

Jason Curry will lead us in main sessions, with multiple parenting experts leading breakouts of your choice! Breakout topics include raising godly young men, parenting a blended home, discipleship through relationship, parenting with a biblical worldview, raising girls with a heart for God, and Leaving a legacy! 


Childcare is available and the cost for the conference is $20 per household! Make sure to register your family!

Conference Schedule

8:45 AM - Childcare dropoff

9:00 AM - Main Session

9:45 AM - Breakout 1

10:30 AM - Breakout 2

11:15 AM - Breakout 3

12:30 PM - Lunch as a family

Breakout Sessions

Relationship-Based Discipleship | Mark and Terri Evans
Many times you can leverage the everyday moments of life to help disciple your children. Discipleship is not a class you drop your kid off at, it is a lifestyle rooted in relationships. Mark and Terri will help you leverage your relationship with your children to raise them to follow Jesus. 

Raising Godly Men | Mike and Teresa Curry
The world needs men who will lead with passion, integrity, character, and toughness! Raising a man with those qualities begins when they are a boy. Mike and Teresa will teach how to turn a boy's childhood into an environment that will produce a strong godly man. 

Raising Godly Women | Ron and Kristi Davis
This world continually pulls at the heart of a young woman to find her identity, value, and purpose in the things of this world. God has a different plan for her heart. Join Ron and Kristi Davis and they teach how to raise a godly young woman in an ungodly world.

Blended Homes | Greg and Keeley Kirksey
Raising children in a blended home brings a unique set of challenges. Greg and Keeley will teach from their experience how to approach this style of parenting as a team and with a mission. Once you begin to work together, you can establish a clearly defined path!

Biblical Worldview | Brian and April Mashburn
Brian and April are passionate about raising children that view their entire life through the lens of scripture. Something or someone shapes our decisions, intention, motive, and path in life. God has given us His Word to guide us. When we know and live The Word, it becomes the filter through which we see all our paths. 

Event Details

Day: Saturday
Time: 9:00am
Location: Rock Creek
Map It11500 W 36th Street
Little Rock, AR 72211
Cost: $20
Childcare: Yes
Contact: Jason Curry


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