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  • Location

    Church at Rock Creek

    11500 West 36th Street
    Little Rock, AR 72211

    Service Times

    • Sundays | 9:00am | Rock Creek Live

    • Sundays | 9:00 am | On Campus Service

    • Sundays | 10:45am | On Campus Service

Child DedicationNovember 21, 2020

We believe that children are precious to God! That's why we feel it is important for parents and their church family to take time and dedicate children to God.

This is not a salvation moment or a baptism step, but simply a time to acknowledge our responsibility to support parents in raising their children in the "nurture and admonition of the Lord".

This event involves a challenge to parents, a special prayer of dedication, and reception time for friends and family.

Our next Child Dedication is 

NOVEMBER 21, 2020 AT 11 AM

Email Katie Beth Hand to register!

Event Details

Day: Saturday
Time: 11:00am
Location: Rock Creek
Map It11500 W 36th Street
Little Rock, AR 72211
Contact: Katie Beth Hand

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