• Service Times and Directions
  • Give
  • Location

    Church at Rock Creek

    11500 West 36th Street
    Little Rock, AR 72211

    Service Times

    • Sundays | 9:00am | Rock Creek Live

    • Sundays | 9:00 am | On Campus Service

    • Sundays | 10:45am | On Campus Service

Chick ChatFebruary 12, 2020

Join us on February 12 from 6-7:30pm for soup and great conversation!  We will share a meal and hear from a few Rock Creek ladies before talking over conversation cards at our tables.  Chick Chats are all about meeting other Rock Creek women and hearing their stories.  Register now!  $5 for soup and fixings! 

Event Details

Day: Wednesday
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Rock Creek
Map It11500 W 36th Street
Little Rock, AR 72211
Cost: $5
Contact: Shannon Calhoun


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